Deaths & Obituaries
Surname - T
Tabern W E Pte
Obituary of Pte W E Tabern of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL May 1972 p 13.
Tack, J. Maj
Obituary of Maj J. Tack of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 2004 p24.
Talbot W Pte
Obituary of Pte W Tallbot of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. JQRR Nov 1930 p 80.
Tallent P Capt
Obituary of Capt P Tallent of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1986 p25.
Tanner F G WO 2
Obituary of WO 2 F G Tanner of The East Surrey Regiment ,RMP and Int Corps. QRSRNL Nov 1983 p12.
Tanner R Pte
Obituary of Pte R Tanner of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1992 p 38.
Tannock N.F. Capt TD
Obituary of Capt N F Tannock TD of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1998 p54 and 55.
Tarver E Sgt
Obituary of Sgt E Tarver of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. JQRR May 1926 p 59.
Tasker P RSM MBE
Obituary of RSM P Tasker of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1987 p25.
Tatham C F Lt
Obituary of Lt C F Tatham of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRJ Dec 1974 p 37.
Tatman H Sgt
Obituary of Sgt H Tatman of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRJ Dec 1974 p 38.
Tatum C H RQMS
Obituary of RQMS C H Tatum of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL May 1972 p 13.
Taylor A W Brig Gen
Obituary of Brig Gen A W Taylor of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. JQRR Nov 1930 p 80.
Taylor, C. Cpl. BEM
Obituary of Cpl C Taylor of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 2002 p20.
Taylor GN Pte
Obituary of Pte GN Taylor of 3rd Bn The Queen’s Royal Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1961 p231.
Taylor J. Pte MM
Obituary of Pte J Taylor of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1960 p49.
Taylor, J.W., Lt Col
Obituary of Lt Col J.W. Taylor of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL, Nov 1975 p!4.
Taylor, R.E., Maj
Obituary of Maj R E Taylor of The East Surrey Regiment in The QRSRNL, November 1997 p50
Taylor R H Pte
Obituary of Pte R H Taylor of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1996 p 44.
Taylor R P CSM
Obituary of CSM RP Taylor of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1963 p550.
Taylor W Sgt
Obituary of Sgt W Taylor of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. JQRR May 1939 p 77.
Taylor W
Obituary of W Taylor of The East Surrey Regiment, QRSRNL Nov 2005 p24.
Taylor W
Obituary of W Taylor of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 06 p 22.
Teale M L
Obituary of M L Teale of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 2006 p22 and 25.
Tebay Lt Col E TD
Obituary of Lt Col E Tebay of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1962 p 378.
Tebbenham F
Obituary of F Tebbenham of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1994 p 47.
Tedder S RSM DCM
Obituary of RSM S Tedder DCM of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1968 p11.
Tedman, G.E., Pte
Obituary of Pte G.E. Tedman of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL, Nov 1977 plO.
Templer, E.E., S/Sgt
Obituary of S/Sgt E.E. Templer of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL, Nov 1973 p!5.
Terry G Sgt
Obituary of Sgt G Terry of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1967 p5.
Terry G L/Cpl
Obituary of L/Cpl G Terry of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1968 p11.
Terry, J.R., Lt Col
Obituary of Lt Col J.R. Terry of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL, Nov 1988 p22.
Terry, P.R., Lt Col
Obituary of Lt Col P.R. Terry of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL, May 1984 p 15.
Thake G C/Sgt
Obituary of C/Sgt G Thake of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May1967 p 4.
Theobalds H G Capt
Obituary of Capt H G Theobalds of The Hampshire Regiment and The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL May 2007 p19.
Thicknesse, R.N., Brig
Obituary of Brig R.N. Thicknesse of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL, May 1974 p!4.
Thomas A T Maj
Obituary of Maj A T Thomas of The Queen’s Royal Regiment and Indian Army. QRSRNL May 1972 p13.
Thomas E J Cpl
Obituary of Cpl E J Thomas of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1991 p36.
Thomas, L.
Obituary of L Thomas of l/5th Bn The Queen's Royal Regiment in The QRSRNL, November 1998 p55
Thomas L.C.C. Capt DSO
Obituary of Capt L C C (Terry) Thomas of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 2000 p51.
Thomas R Cpl MM
Obituary of Cpl R Thomas of The East Surrey Regiment. JESR Nov 1938 p 9.
Thompson A G Maj
Obituary of Maj A G Thompson of The Queen’s Royal Regiment and The East Surrey Regiment. QRJ Dec 1967 p 36.
Thompson C G H Maj TD
Obituary of Maj C G H Thompson of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL May 1984 p 14.
Thompson D
Obituary of Mr D Thompson of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRJ Nov 1964 p143.
Thompson, F., Pte
Obituary of Pte F Thompson of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1996 p.52.
Thompson H RSM
Obituary of RSM H Thompson of The East Surrey Regiment. JESR May 1951 p 149.
Thompson P R H Col OBE TD DL
Obituary of Col P R H Thompson of The East Surrey Regiment and Royal Signals . QRSRNL Nov 1999 p52.
Thompson S J Maj MBE
Obituary of Maj S J Thompson (Tommy) of The East Surrey Regiment. JESR Nov 1951 p9 and 10.
Thomson T A Maj MC TD CA
Obituary of Maj T A Thomson of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 2000 p53.
Obituary of R.(“Tommo 40”) Thompson of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL May 2004 p24.
Thompson, W., Capt
Obituary of Capt W. Thompson of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1968 p 11 and 12.
Thomson B A Maj
Obituary of Maj B.A. Thomson of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1995 p 48.
Thomson I.P. Maj MC
Obituary of Maj I.P. Thomson of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1991 p36 and May 1992 p36.
Thornton, G., Pte
Obituary of Pte G Thornton, 1st and 70th Bns The East Surrey Regiment in The QRSRNL, May 2002 p33.
Thorpe W L/Cpl
Obituary of L/Cpl W Thorpe of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. JQRR May 1938 p 76.
Thresher M Lt
Obituary of Lt M Thresher of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. JQRR Nov 1938 p 76 and 77.
Tickner J H Sgt
Obituary of Sgt J H Tickner of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRJ Nov 1965 p 277.
Tidy, C., Pte
Obituary of Pte C Tidy of The Queen's Royal Regiment in The QRSRNL, May 1997 p47.
Tidy, D., Pte
Obituary of Pte D Tidy of 1st Bn The Queen's Royal Regiment in The QRSRNL, May 1999 p51.
Tidy M Sgt
Obituary of Sgt M Tidy of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. JQRR Nov 1926 p 63.
Tilly G Lt Col DSO
Obituary of Lt Col G Tilly of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1987 p25.
Tippett R Sgt
Obituary of Sgt R Tippett of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1967 p 4.
Tite, I., Cpl
Obituary of Cpl Ivan (Tubby) Tite of l/5th Bn The Queen's Royal Regiment in The QRSRNL, May 1999 p51.
Titchener H.A. L/Cpl
Obituary of L/Cpl HA Titchener of 2nd Bn The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1961 p!70
Titler C Pte
Obituary of Pte C Titler of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1995 p 47.
Titshall C Pte
Obituary of Pte C Titshall of The East Surrey Regiment and The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRJ May 1966 p345.
Tobin J C Lt
Obituary of Lt J C Tobin of The East Surrey Regiment. JESR May 1951 p 149.
Tod C A L Maj
Obituary of Maj C A L (Colin) Tod of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1989 p28.
Todd P.L.A. CSM
Obituary of CSM P.L.A. Todd of The Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment. and The Queen’s Regiment. QRSRNL May 1995 p48.
Todd R E Pte
Obituary of Pte RE Todd of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1963 p550.
Tolliday, S.C.
Obituary of S.C. Tolliday of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL May 2003 p22
Tombs M A W Cpl See Ingall-Tombs
Obituary of Tomkins of The Queen's Royal Regiment and The Capetown Highlanders. QRSRNL May 1996 p.52.
Tomkins H W WO2
Obituary of WO2 H W Tomkins of The East Surrey Regiment and Int Corps. QRSRNL May 1990 p28.
Tomlinson G T Cpl
Obituary of Cpl G T Tomlinson of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. JQRR Nov 1936 p 76.
Tooley F S Capt MC
Obituary of Capt F S Tooley of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRJ Nov 1964 p144.
Toovey T P Capt MC
Obituary of Capt T P Toovey of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. JQRR May 1928 p 89.
Tourle R Pte
Obituary of Pte R Tourle of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL May 1992 p 36.
Towning E A Lt
Obituary of Lt E A Towning of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1975 p 12.
Townsend C H Lt Col
Obituay of Lt Col C H Townsend of The East Surrey Regiment. JESR May 1956 p 47.
Townsend, E.F., RQMS
Obituary of RQMS E.F. Townsend of The Queen's Royal Regiment in The QRSRNL, May 1982 pll.
Townsend G H CSM
Obituary of CSM G H Townsend of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1973 p13.
Tozer D.V. Sgt
Obituary of Sgt D V Tozer of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1960 p49.
Tracey H A Sgt DCM MM
Obituary of Sgt H A Tracey of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1976 p11.
Tracey, P.T., The Revd
Obituary of Revd P T Tracey of The Queen's Royal Regiment in The QRSRNL, May 1999 p 52.
Travers J P Sgt
Obituary of Sgt J P Travers of The Queen’s Royal Regiment and RPC. QRSRNL May 1976 p12.
Traylen S J
Obituary o S J Traylen of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 2006 p 22.
Treadaway T.M. Cpl
Obituary of Cpl TM Treadaway The East Surrey Regiment, QRSRNL Nov 2004 p 25.
Treagast R Pte
Obituary of Pte R Treagast of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1993 p 38.
Treeby, H.P., Lt Col DSO
Obituary of Lt Col H.P. Treeby of The East Surrey Regiment. ESRJ, May 1935 p2.
Trench Sir Peter Lt Col CBE TD
Obituary of Lt Col Sir Peter Trench of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 2006 p22 and 26.
Triggs E A Pte
Obituary of Pte E A Triggs of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. JQRR Nov 1930 p 80.
Triggs J H
Obituary of J H Triggs of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 2008 p 20.
Tripp B H Capt
Obituary of Capt B H Tripp of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1982 p 9.
Tripp L Pte
Obituary of Pte L Tripp of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1971 p20.
Troster A CSM DCM MM
Obituary of CSM Bert Troster of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1992 p 38.
Trout W P Sgt
Obituary of Dmr Sgt W P (“Winkle”) Trout of The East Surrey Regiment and Royal Fusiliers. JESR Nov 1949 p10.
Troy W J L/Cpl
Obituary of L/Cpl W J Troy of The Queen’s Royal Regiment (?). QRSRNL Nov 1985 p18.
Truesdale F Pte
Obituary of Pte F Truesdale of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1996 p 44.
Tuck, J.P., Prof
Obituary of Professor J P Tuck, The East Surrey Regiment in The QRSRNL, May 2002 p33.
Tucker W F Pte
Obituary of Pte W F Tucker of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1994 p 47.
Tucker W J
Obituary of W J Tucker of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1981 p 11.
Tucknott W G Sgt
Obituary of Sgt W G Tucknott of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRJ May 1966 p345.
Tunnell H G Pte
Obituary of Pte H G Tunnell of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. JQRR May 1936 p 78.
Turk E J Maj
Obituary of Maj E J Turk of The Queen’s Royal Regiment and Indian Army. QRSRNL Nov 1972 p 19.
Turner A Cpl
Obituary of Cpl (Bert) Turner of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1986 p 20.
Turner A W Capt
Obituary of Capt A W Turner of The East Surrey Regiment. JESR Nov 1953 p8.
Turner F A CQMS
Obituary of CQMS F A Turner of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1993 p 38.
Turner GE RQMS
Obituary of RQMS GE Turner of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 2005 p24.
Turner H A OBE
Obituary of H A Turner of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1976 p11.
Turner R Sgt
Obituary of Sgt R Turner of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1993 p 41.
Turner W J Pte
Obituary of Pte W J Turner of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. JQRR May 1932 p 78.
Turner W T
Obituary of Mr W T Turner of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRJ Nov 1964 p144.
Turnock, W.M., Capt
Obituary of Capt W M Turnock of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1998 p50 and 52.
Turpin, W.R., Pte
Obituary of Pte W R Turpin of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1996 p.52.
Tweedie V G Capt MC
Obituary of Capt V G Tweedie of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1993 p 41.
Twidle HWJ Capt MBE
Obituary of Capt HWJ Twidle of The East Surrey Regiment, Royal Horse Guards and RAF. QRSRNL Nov 2005 p24.
Twitchin PC L/Cpl
Obituary of L/Cpl PC Twitchin of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 2005 p24.
Twohey A MBE
Obituary of Mr A Twohey of The East Surrey Regiment. JESR May 1953 p125, 157 and picture facing p 128.
Twort J L/Cpl
Obituary of L/Cpl J Twort of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1992 p 38.
Twyford A G Cpl
Obituary of Cpl A G Twyford of The 24th London Regiment (The Queen’s). QRSRNL May 1974 p13.
Tydeman, H.V., Pte
Obituary of Pte H V Tydeman of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 2000 p51.
Tyler C Pte
Obituary of Pte C Tyler of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. JQRR May 1931 p 78.
Tyler G T Maj
Obituary of Maj G T Tyler of The East Surrey Regiment. JESR May 1952 p59.
Tyler HT WO2
Obituary of WO2 HT Tyler of The Queen’s Royal Regiment and APTC. QRSRNL May 1962 p303.
Tyler, H., Maj
Obituary of Maj H Tyler of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL May 2000 p51 and QRSRNL Nov 2000 p54.