Deaths & Obituaries

Surname - A


Abbitt, B.T., Dmr
Obituary of Drummer Barry T Abbitt of The Queen's Royal Regiment in QRSRNL, May 2001, p36.

Abbott1 G S1 Lt Col11 TD JP
Obituary of Lt Col G S1 Abbott of The East Surrey Regiment.1 QRSRNL Nov 1994 p 49.

Abbott1 W1 Pte
Obituary of1 Pte W (Bill)1 Abbott of The Queen's Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL May 1984 p14.

Abbott, S.S., Capt
Obituary of Capt S.S. Abbott of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL, Nov 1987 p25.

Abel1 A1 Pte
Obituary of Pte A1 Abel of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 JQRR1 May 1934 p 80.

Abel1 F E E1 Cpl
Obituary of Cpl F E E1 Abel of The Queen’ Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL Nov 1973 p13.
Abley1 A J1 Pte
Obituary of1 Pte A J1 Abley of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 JQRR Nov 19281 p 92.

Abrey P.E. Cpl
Obituary of Cpl PE Abrey of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL May 1961 p70.

Acheson1 R R1 Maj1 and Canon
Obituary of Maj R R1 Acheson1 of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL May 2008 p 19.

Ackerley J R1 Capt
Obituary of Capt J R Ackerley of The East Surrey Regiment.1 QRSRNL Nov 1967 p5.

Acton A H B1 Lt
Obituary of Lt A H B1 Acton of The East Surrey Regiment and Para.1 JESR1 May 1952 p59.

Acton E. L. L. Lt Col1 MC
Obituary of Lt Col E l l1 Acton of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL May 1965 p s1 201 and197.

Adams, A.H., RSM
Obituary of RSM A.H. Adams of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL, May 1969 p12.

Adams1 A R1 Sgt
Obituary1 of Sgt A R1 Adams of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL May 1969 p 12.

Adams, D.G., Col
Obituary of Col D.G. Adams of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1963 1p459.

Adams1 D J11 Cpl
Obituary of Cpl D J1 Adams of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 JQR Mar 1973 p 43.

Adams1 H.L. 1Lt Col1 CMG1 TD
Obituary of Lt Col H.L. Adams of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL, Nov 1972 p16.

Adams1 P. 1Lt Col1 CB1 TD
Obituary of Lt Col P. Adams of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL, May 1973 p15.

Adams1 R E C1 Capt1 MC
Obituary of Capt R E C1 Adams of The East Surrey Regiment.1 JESR Nov 1937 p 162.

Adams1 T1 CSM
Obituary of CSM1 T1 Adams of1 The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 JQRR Nov 1928 p 92.

Adamson1 R T Pte
Obituary of Pte RT Adamson1 of The Queen’s Royal Surrey Regiment. QRSRJ Nov 1963 p551.

Adcock, H.S., Lt
Obituary of Lt H.S. Adcock of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL, May 1977 p8.

Adcock1 W1 Pte
Obituary of Pte W Adcock of the1 East Surrey Regiment.1 QRSRNL Nov 1972 p19.

Adlington, A
Obituary of A Adlington1 QRSRNL Nov 2004 p 24.

Agutter1 W A J1 Pte
Obituary of Pte W A J1 Agutter of the Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL Nov 19721 p 19.

Ainger1 S
Obituary of S Ainger of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL1 May 20061 p21.

Ainsworth1 J B L1 Capt
Obituary of Capt J B L1 Ainsworth of1 The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL Nov 2007 p25.

Akers1 J H1 Sgt
Obituary of Sgt1 J H1 Akers of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL May 1973 p14.

Allchin1 W R1 Capt
Obituary1 of Capt Allchin of The East Surrey Regiment.1 JESR May 19591 p 120.

Alberley1 P1 Pte
Obituary of Pte P Alberley of1 The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 JQRR May 1926 p 59.

Alcock11 H. 1Cpl
Obituary of Cpl H Alcock of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1996 p.52.

Alderman1 A J1 RSM
Obituary of1 RSM A J1 Alderman of The East Surrey Regiment.1 QRSRNL Nov 1969 p14.

Alderman1 R1 Sgt
Obituary of Sgt R Alderman of1 The East Surrey Regiment.1 QRSRNL May 1987 p 12.

Aldrich A H1 Sgt
Obituary of Sgt1 A H1 Aldrich of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 JQRR Nov 1938 p 76.

Aldridge1 G R1 Cpl
Obituary of Cpl G R1 Aldridge of The East Surrey Regiment.1 QRSRNL May 1978 p11.

Aldridge, H., Maj
Obituary of Maj H. Aldridge of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL, May 1967 p6.

Aldridge1 H1 Pte
Obituary of Pte1 H Aldridge of The East Surrey Regiment.1 QRSRNL Nov 1996 p 44.

Aldridge1 J D1 Lt Col1 MBE
Obituary of Lt Col J D1 Aldridge of 42nd RTR, 23rd London Regiment and The East Surrey Regiment.1 QRSRNL May 1986 p20.

Alford1 J1 RSM
Obituary of RSM1 J1 Alford of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 JQRR May 1938 p 76.

Allan, John
Obituary of John Allan of The East Surrey, The Queen's Royal Surrey and 1st Bn The Queen's Regiment in QRSRNL, November 1998 p54.

Alldred1 F A1 Sgt
Obituary of Sgt1 F A1 Alldred of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL May 1991 p35.

Allen1 D1 Sgt
Obituary of Sgt D Allen of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 JQRR Nov 1927 p85.

Allen1 S J1 L/Cpl1 MM
Obituary of L/Cpl S J1 Allen of The Queen’s Royal Regiment and Machine Gun Corps.1 QRSRNL Nov 1981 p10.

Allen J T A Sgt1 MM
Obituary of J T A Allen of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 2002 p 20 and 22

Allaway11 C W1 Pte
Obituary of Pte C W1 Allaway of1 The East Surrey Regiment.1 QRSRNL May 1993 p 41.

Alleyne, W.H., Maj
Obituary of Maj W.H. Alleyne of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRRJl, May 1951 p48.

Allfree D J1 Lt Col
Obituary of Lt Col D J1 Allfree of1 The East Surrey Regiment.1 QRSRNL Nov 1981 p 10.

Allfree1 P
Obituary of1 P Allfree of The East Surrey Regiment .1 QRSRNL Nov 06 p 21.

Allin F I R1 Lt
Obituary of Lt F I R1 Allin of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1986 p 20.

Allingham C. S/Sgt
Obituary of S/Sgt C. Allingham of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL, Nov 19731 p 13 and 15.

Alsop E G Pte
Obituary of Pte E G Alsop of 1st Bn The Queen's Royal Regiment in QRSRNL, May 2002 p32.

Ambrose F G1 Cpl1 DCM
Obituary of Cpl F G1 Ambrose of The East Surrey Regiment.1 JESR Oct 1959 p 154.

Ambrose W.G. Lt Col
Obituary of Lt Col W.G. Ambrose The Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment, QRSRNL Nov 2004 p24.

Amor1 H L1 C/Sgt
Obituary of C/Sgt H L1 Amor1 of The East Surrey Regiment.1 QRSRNL May 1985 p19.

Anderson1 A.L. 1Pte
Obituary of Pte A.L. Anderson of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL 1Nov 1995 p 47.

Anderson1 D W M1
Obituary of D W M1 Anderson of1 The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRJ Dec 1968 p 66.

Anderson1 S E1 Sgt
Obituary of Sgt1 S E1 Anderson of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 JQRR May 1938 p 76.

Andras1 J B1 Col1 TD
Obituary of Col J B1 Andras of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL May1977 p8.

Andrew1 I1 Sgt
Obituary of Sgt I Andrew of The1 Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL Nov 1992 p 38.

Andrew R I Sgt
Obituary of Sgt R.I. Andrews of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL, Nov 1992 p41.

Andrews1 E G1 Dmr
Obituary of Dmr E G1 Andrews of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 JQRR Nov 1937 p 77.

Andrews, P.E.C. Col
Obituary of Col P.E.C. Andrews of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL May 2004 p23 and 24..

Andrews W1 C/Sgt
Obituary of C/Sgt W Andrews of The East Surrey Regiment.1 JESR May 19381 p 234.

Anscombe R
Obituary of R Anscombe of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL1 May 1981 p10.

Anslow Capt R A
Obituary of Capt RA Anslow of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 1962 p378.

Anson1 E1 StG1 Maj1 OBE
Obituary of Maj E StG1 Anson of1 The East Surrey Regiment. JESR1 May 1947 p 193.

Apps W A1
Obituary of Mr W A1 Apps of The East Surrey Regiment.1 QRSRJ May 1966 p 345.

Arbour1 R E1 CSM
Obituary of CSM R E Arbour of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.11 QRSRNL Nov 1967 p 5.

Archer1 W
Obituary of W Archer of The East Surrey Regiment and The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL May 2008 p 19.
Archer-Davis11 L
Obituary of L Archer-Davis of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL Nov 1986 p 25.

Armiger1 D S Pte
Obituary of Pte D S1 Armiger of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 1963 p 458.

Armstrong1 B 1Sgt
Obituary of Sgt B Armstrong of1 The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL Nov 1992 p 38.

Armstrong C D Brig
Obituary of Brig C.D. Armstrong of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL, May 1986 p22.

Armstrong F1 Cpl
Obituary of Cpl F Armstrong of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL Nov 1967 p5.

Armsrtong1 H W R1 Maj1 MC
Obituary of Maj H W R1 Armstrong of The East Surrey Regiment.1 JESR May 1949 p 147.

Armstrong J
Obituary of J. Armstrong of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL November 2002 p20.

Armstrong-McDonnell J R 1Lt Col11 MC
Obituary of Lt Col J R Armstrong-MacDonell of The East Surrey Regiment. 1QRSRNL Nov 2000, p53.

Arnold1 A A1 L/Cpl
Obituary of L/Cpl A A1 Arnold of The Queen’s Royal1 Regiment ,RA and RE. QRSRNL May 1976 p12

Arnold1 E G11 WO2
Obituary of WO2 E G1 Arnold of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL May 20071 p19.

Arnold1 G1 Sgt
Obituary of1 Sgt G Arnold of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 JQRR May 1926 p 59.

Arnold1 J1 Sgt
Obituary of Sgt J Arnold1 of The 23rd London Regiment.1 QRSRNL1 May 1972 p 13.

Arnold L
Obituary of1 L Arnold of The1 Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL May 19821 p 9.

Arnold1 P
Obituary1 of1 P Arnold1 of The Queen’s1 Royal Regiment.11 QRSRNL May 1989 p29.

Arnold1 W H1 Sgt
Obituary of Sgt W H Arnold of The1 East Surrey Regiment and RFC .1 QRSRNL Nov 1978 p11. and May 1976 p 6.

Arthur1 F W A
Obituary of FWA Arthur of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL May 1964 p60.

Ashby S S Maj
Obituary of Maj SS Ashby1 of The East Surrey Regiment.1 QRSRNL May 2006 p21.

Ashcroft J CSM
Obituary of CSM J Ashcroft of l/5th Bn The Queen's Royal Regiment in The QRSRNL, May 2000 p51.

Ashfield11 E G1 CSM
Obituary of CSM1 E G1 Ashfield of The East Surrey Regiment. and1 The Queen’s Royal Regiment. QRSRNL1 May 1972 p 12.

Ashman, R J, Pte
Obituary of Pte. R. J. Ashman The East Surrey Regt. QRSRNL Nov. 1998 p54

Ashton1 C C G1 Lt Col1 OBE
Obituary of Lt Col C C G1 Ashton of The East Surrey Regiment.1 JESR May 1953 p125 and127.

Ashton1 L C11 Maj1 MC1 TD
Obituary of Maj1 L C1 Ashton of 23rd London Regiment and 42 RTR.1 QRSRNL May 1975 p 11.

Ashtown1 Maj1 The Lord1 DSO
Obituary of Maj TheLord Ashtown of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. JQR Jan 1967 p 55.

Aspin1 R G11 MM
Obituary of R G Aspin of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL May 1978 p11.

Atkins1 H1 RSM
Obituary of RSM1 H1 (Tommy) Atkins of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL Nov 2007 p 251 and May 2008 p 23 and 17....

Attwater11 A J 1Pte
Obituary of Pte A.J. Attwater of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL May 1996 p.52.

Attwell R H Maj
Obituary of Maj R H Attwell The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL Nov 2004 p24.

Attewell1 W 1CSM1 DCM
Obituary of CSM Bill Attewell of The East Surrey Regiment in The QRSRNL, May 1997 p46 and1 50.

Attwell1 W1 Pte
Obituary of1 Pte W Attwell of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 JQRR May 1932 p 78.

Attwood1 J Pte
Obituary of Pte J Attwood of the Queen’s Royal Regiment and Royal Sussex Regiment.1 QRSRNL Nov 1972 p19.

Aukett1 V J1 WO2
Obituary of WO21 V J1 Aukett of1 The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 QRSRNL May 20071 p19.

Austin1 H1 Pte
Obituary of Pte H Austin1 of The Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 JQRR May 1933 p 80.

Austin1 J1 RQMS
Obituary of RQMS1 J1 Austin of The1 Queen’s Royal Regiment.1 JQRR May 19361 p 78.

Austin1 R J
Obituary of R. J. Austin of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL May 2004 p23

Austin T A1 Sgt
Obituary of Sgt TA Austin of The East Surrey Regiment. QRSRNL May 1964 p59.

Avis C S A Sgt
Obituary of Sgt C.S.A. Avis of The Queen's Royal Regiment. QRSRNL1 May 1987 p13.

Ayres1 C R1 Pte
Obituary of Pte C R Ayres of The Queen’s Royal Regiment. and R. Signals1 QRSRNL May 1967 p 4.

Ayres1 R1 Pte11 (or Ayers)
Obituary of Pte R Ayres of The Queen’s Royal Regiment and RASC.1 QRSRNL May 1969 p12.


