Regimental India

Regimental India 1825 - 1947 The Surrey Connection

The East India Company

Preparations for Departure

Voyage and Disaster - the Loss of the Kent

The Queen’s in the Bombay Army

Poona - First Years

Return to Bombay

The 31st in Bengal

A Variety of Stations

Road Travel

The Meeting with the Maharajah Ranjit Singh

After Meerut

The Queen’s in Afghanistan - The First Afghan War

The Battle for Ghuznee

The Capture of Khelat

The 31st Regiment and the Relief of Kabul

Marching across the Punjab

Through the Khyber Pass to Jelalabad

On to Kabul

The Campaigns in Retrospect

The Sutlej Campaign - the 31st Regiment in the First Sikh War





End of Era - Return to England

1849 - Arrival of the 70th - The Indian Mutiny and the aftermath

The Scourge of Cholera

1866 - Return of the Queen’s - A Naval Experience

Subsequent Tours - A Kipling Connection?

The Second Afghan War 1878-79

The North-West Frontier of India - The Great Game

The Mohmand Campaign - Winston Churchill was there

The Tirah Campaign - Recollections of Surgeon Captain A.E. Masters

Return to India

The Growth of Indian Nationalism

The First World War

Between the Wars

Station Life


The Families - young Domoney

Rawalpindi - 1st Surreys and a Pindi Poppet

1st Queen’s at Quetta - The Earthquake



World War Two

1st Queen’s in the Arakan - The Battle of the Boxes


2nd Queen’s and the Chindits

Poona - First and Last - now called Pune


Biographical Notes

Old Soldier Sahib

Stations of the Regiments in India


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