The Queen's Memorials - Rangoon and Kohima

The 1st Bn The Queen's Royal Regiment Memorial, Rangoon


Kohima Memorial

The Battle for Jail Hill, Kohima between the 7th and 14th May 1944 has been described as one of the most gallant episodes in the whole Burma Campaign. An excellent account of the part played by 1st Queen's in this battle was published in the November 1953 issue of the Journal of The Queen's Royal Regiment. The article ended with these words;

"Jail Hill was indeed a tough nut to crack. It was cracked by the gallantry and determination of British and Gurkha soldiers. The Queen's lost four officers and 57 soldiers killed, and six officers and 106 soldiers wounded.
Three months after the battle a memorial was unveiled. This memorial was designed and constructed by the Pioneers of 1st Queen's from materials found on or near the battlefield. It bears the names of all the officers and soldiers of the Queen's and of the Gurkhas who fell there in one of the most gallant and glorious episodes in the campaign."



The Memorial has recently been refurbished.


1st Battalion Memorial in grounds of Rangoon Cathedral.
Erected by the Battalion Pioneers and designed and supervised by an officer of the Battalion.


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